
Bianca Patetl Flowers

Intuitive Guide, Healer & Artist

Learn more

Welcome, I am Bianca

I'm all about crafting a life that is full of joy, creativity and passion and I want to help you achieve this too.

Essentially I help people shine with the joy of connecting with their soul by finding what it is that lights them up and working out what is in the way of that.

How do I work my magic?

By blending creativity, spiritual wisdom, healing & vibrational medicine with my twenty years experience as a traditional herbalist and naturopath.

Here you will discover how to work with me 1:1 or in transformative groups and classes and also find my works of art for sale.


The creative process houses unlimited healing potential. I hold various transformation journeys and short workshops throughout the year.

More info here

By connecting with spirit we can access high levels of wisdom to help clarify our path.

I can help you navigate difficult times or provide guidance to help you evolve as a person. BOOK HERE

Crystals Outline Illustration

Bianca is a skilled healer working with plants to bring about whole person healing; on physical, mental & emotional levels so that you can thrive in all aspects oif your life. BOOK HERE

Connection Workshops

Coming together to create, relax, heal and enjoy holding space together

Next Camp Tuesday 23 April 2024


Esoteric mediation & attunement practices are life transformative & allow us to connect deeply with our soul. Next Class begins Wed 1st May 11am AEST Book Here

Developing relationship with our plant allies to deepen our connection & heal the relationship with the natural world which we are a part of. REGISTER INTEREST HERE

Textile Workshops

Learn how to weave on a peg loom, rigid heddle loom or big floor loom.

I will teach you my own unique way of creative weaving

you will learn how to create your own amazing yarn for your creative projects. From speckles to ombre and more we will create beautiful yarn for your next project.

I love to dye with materials collected from around my home as well as more vibrant colurs from far away. Learn the ancient art of natural dyeing

The Centre for Craft, Creativity & Consciousness

The Centre is the evolution of a vision I have been carrying for a long time. I hope you join us to see it evolve.

We come to teach people about how through embracing craft and creativity we can access deeper levels of our consciousness.

An outdoor workshop where we worked to develop access to our own personal symbolism

Our messy painting space to get joyously messy in or just to let your creativity fly freely

Our bright light and plant filled workshop space


Hi, I am Bianca Patetl-Flowers, yes that is my real name. I am an intuitive channel, plant spirit herbalist, artist, naturopath and soul guide.

I have been working on my path as a healer since an intense spiritual awakening exploded my world beyond belief in 1998.

My skill is to see exactly when your soul lights up though this physical vessel and to help you align your beliefs, actions and life so that this soul light can shine more and MORE.

I strive for excellence in all that I do and have been awarded for this throughout my career but I also believe that it is our heart and our soul that are the true markers of success so it is these that guide me most of all.

My clients consistently share with me how I have helped empower them on their journey to health and wholeness, reaching levels of joy and integration they thought not possible and also comment on my ethics as a healer as paramount to their trust and faith in me.

I don’t shy away from areas that may be challenging yet work at a pace that is right for my clients as a whole.

Clients and patrons of my art note the palpable depth of energy felt emanating from my healing work and my artworks; even in a seemingly simple conversation great transformation can be initiated.

I love being able to take people on a transformative healing journey, essentially an evolution, no matter if I am working with them 1:1, guiding them through a creative healing transformation journey, teaching them in an attunement class or creating a healing artwork or weaving.

This work is my passion, my soul purpose, my joy and I love to share that joy with others.

If this sounds like something you would like to explore please fill out the form here and I look forward to chatting soon.

Education & Experience

Bachelor Fine Arts Sculpture - VCA 1998

Ad Dip Health Sc - Naturopathy, Awarded "Excellence in Clinical Practice" 2003

Dip Health Sc - Herbal Med 2003

Dip Health Sc - Nutrition 2003

COW -Intentional Creativity Teacher Training 2021

Level 1/2Quantum Human Design

Bianca has practised as a herbalist & healer since 2003, actively studied & taught Western Esoteric Meditation since 2000.

Her artworks and woven clothare housed in collections around the world.

Are you ready to unlock your soul's full potential and lead a life filled with joy and meaning? I can assist you in navigating a path that aligns with your soul mission, allowing you to enjoy the journey as much as the destination.

Do you suffer from anxiety, doubt, worry, frustration?

These can be vital signs that you are not acting on the soul impulses.

I call this the sort of anxiety that we do want.

People might call me strange. “Why would we want anxiety?” well without it we would continue down the wrong path and never course correct.

This sort ‘soul anxiety’ often responds temporarily to treatments but comes back if we don't also address the reason...that of aligning with our soul mission.

I am here to help you with that. This is my thing. My gift, just what I am really good at and I have a deal of experience at it too.

I remember noticing in my first few years as a naturopath that I could give a client all the right herbs, the best supplements and a great diet but if they were not happy with where they were headed or what was happening in their life then these things would make little difference. So I realised I needed to do something to help my clients find just what that thing was.

If you're searching for your true purpose,

I can help you identify your passions and address any underlying emotions or obstacles that may be impeding your progress.

During our conversation, I can sense the energy flowing through your life situations, providing insight into what inspires or hinders you.

This enables us to work together to develop your ability to recognize when your energy is stagnant and when it's time to move forward.

It's essential to note that I'm not here to help you chase money or outer success, although this may come as a result of our work together.

My aim is to help you unleash your potential using the tools and abilities you already possess, regardless of your current circumstances, we will work together to tap into your inner passion and purpose and achieve your soul dreams.

This journey often requires effort, bravery and work. It's natural for us to avoid our painful emotions, fears, doubts, and inner struggles, but doing so only blocks us from accessing the satisfaction and fulfillment that is rightfully ours. As your guide, I'm here to support you and assist you in healing any issues that may be holding you back.

I Embracing your unique journey is the key to living a fulfilling life, and I'm excited to show you how.

close up of one of Bianca’s weavings


peppermint tencel /hemp 2019


Quotation Mark

Bianca has been my teacher and mentor for over eight years now. During that time she has worked with me to clear huge amounts of unnecessary baggage, to navigate my life path, to deepen into relationship with plants and with the earth, and to find a quality of health and wellbeing of body mind and soul that I thought out of reach. She is a highly ethical teacher and extremely talented at what she does.

Shalome Lateef

Quotation Mark

I have recently been introduced to these meditations and teachings. I had no expectation or knew what exactly I was entering into. After years of personal development and many meditational techniques, I was not expecting the vast shifts, clearings and sense of clarity and well being I have experienced in such a short time.

Sonia Charkisky

Quotation Mark

"I came to Bianca when I was in a time of need, searching for answers, whilst going through a difficult phase in my life. Through her loving, caring support I was able to find what I needed within myself, instead of looking for answers from external sources. I feel blessed to have been able to learn from her, and journey toward becoming a loving, caring and supportive man myself, not only for myself, but also for my loved ones, and others in the world. Thank you Bianca"

Perry Haider

I live and work on the lands of the Wadawarrung people.

These lands were never ceded.

I am truly grateful for my presence here on this land.

I acknowledge all first nations peoples and the wrongs perpetrated in the past and ones that continue today and hope to be part of the healing.

I acknowledge elders past and present and show my respect to the people that have suffered unimaginably so that I may call this land my home.

The Golden Thread - Centre for Craft Creativity & Consciousness

OurCreative Space


Level 1 / 57 Bridge Mall

Ballarat Vic 3350

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+61 411 553 175

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Monday to Friday

9:30 am to 2:30 pm or appointment


by appointment

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